We will have the following 3 behavior systems in our classroom: individual, table groups and whole class.
Individual: Each student has a weekly chart on his/her desk. On this chart will be where I record stars and checks. Stars mean all rules are being followed and the student is doing what s/he is supposed to be doing. When a student gets 15 stars s/he will get to choose something from the treasure box. Checks are recorded when the student is exhibiting some sort of inappropriate behavior. Examples of this may include, but are not limited to, talking during work times, bothering another student, making noises and saying put-downs. One check= warning. Two checks=talk with the teacher. Three checks=miss recess. Four checks=call home.
Table groups: Table groups will earn points for working well together and following our R.O.C.K. rules. At the end of the week, the table group with the most points will earn a reward.
Whole class: Students will work towards using the laptops (which are stored in a cart and can be wheeled into our room). It will be a point system: Mrs. Tullis vs. The Class. The class can earn points for staying on task, lining up quickly and quietly and walking quietly in the hallway, just to name a few. I earn points if the class does not do the tasks mentioned above. If the class has more points at the end of the day, they earn a letter. Our goal is to spell out the word L-A-P-T-O-P-S. If I have more points at the end of the day, no letter is given.
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