Specialist Schedules

October 6, 2012

Math, Writing, Word Work

For some reason, I don't seem to have a lot of photos from the past couple of weeks.  I need to get better at that!  For now, though, here are some things our class has been doing...

We play a game called "Read My Mind" to practice writing our high frequency words.  I have a word in my mind and then I give about 3 clues as to what word I am thinking of (e.g. 1-syllable, long e sound, s-blend, noun, etc...)  After each clue, the students write a word on their whiteboards that matches that clue.

We started working on place value.  The Mimio is a great resource, and it's hand-on and engaging for the students.

One of the stories in our Journeys book was Diary of a Spider.  We practiced writing complete sentences by making our own Diary of a 2nd Grader.

We have been working on nouns.  Here the students are working on a noun sort with a partner.

Just a reminder that this coming week is Parent/Teacher conferences.  

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