Specialist Schedules

January 19, 2015

Classroom Update

We have been busy bees.  Our school is working on academic language that is most frequently seen on tests, such as SAGE.  It is our hope that, even starting in kindergarten, working on these words (and their meanings) in our classrooms will help our students increase their test scores.  Our 2 most recent words have been comprehend and alliteration.  We will be writing alliterations this week, and comprehend is something we work on, daily.  Here is one activity we did that helps us comprehend what we are reading:

Students worked in pairs to comprehend the meaning of these nonsense words by using the context clues.

Both classes have finished our most recent writing project.  If you could have any animal hair, what would it be?  Why?  For this writing activity, we were working on having a topic sentence, reason/detail, explanation, and conclusion sentence.  They turned out super cute!

Hopefully, you all saw your child's homework contract come home on Friday.  This usually does not come home until Monday but, with our Be a Team Player Read-a-Thon starting this past Friday, reading minutes will go from Friday-Thursday.  Homework will still be due on Fridays.  The goal is for each child to read, at least, 20 minutes per day (before or after school).  If McPolin is one of the top 10 schools (out of the 40 schools participating) with the highest number of reading minutes, a Utah Jazz player will visit our school!  


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