Specialist Schedules

September 16, 2012

Compare and Contrast

Our comprehension skill this past week was compare and contrast.  To show how two things or people are alike and different we used venn diagrams.  Our story this week was called My Family.  After reading the story, we compared our own families to Camila's family from the story.

The next day, we used our interactive whiteboard (and Kidspiration) to compare and contrast an apple and a banana.

Then the students worked in their table groups to compare and contrast 2 objects.

They used venn diagrams to show how the 2 items are alike and different.

We also started social studies.  We will be talking about community for about the next month or so.  We used a venn diagram to compare and contrast fire fighters and policemen.

Our grammar focus last week was complete sentences.  We talked about how sentences must have a subject and a predicate in order to be complete.

This week we will be working on identifying the author's purpose as we read stories.  We will also be finishing up our math standard of adding and subtracting numbers within 20 using mental strategies.  (We will, however, continue to work on this throughout the year.)  

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