Specialist Schedules

November 25, 2008

Using the C.O.W.

The C.O.W. is our computers on wheels. It is a big cart that contains 30 laptops. Any teacher can check out the C.O.W. for use in his/her classroom. We have used it two times and the kids LOVE it. So far, we have used the computers to type our buddy interviews and to research the continents. I hope to use the computers more often to introduce the students to a world of technological possibilities.

Dreams on Thanksgiving Eve

On Monday, all 2nd grade classes performed the play Dreams on Thanksgiving Eve. The kids were very excited about their production. Everybody did a great job! Thank you to all of the parents who were able to come and watch. It was also great to gather for pie and juice afterwards. Yummy!

November 20, 2008

You're Invited!

The 2nd grade classes will be putting on a short play on Monday, November 24th, at (about) 9:00 a.m. The play is called Dreams on Thanksgiving Eve and features all 2nd graders. The students are very excited about this event. We hope you can join us on Monday. Juice and pie will be served after the play.

November 16, 2008

It's Turkey Time!

We met with our 4th grade buddies this past Friday. With Thanksgiving just around the corner, the students made turkey windsocks.