Specialist Schedules

March 4, 2009

It's Iditarod Time!!

What an exciting day! The Iditarod starts this weekend and I must say that I am quite excited about it. After living in Alaska for 7 years, it became an annual trip to see the start of the Iditarod. I am so excited to share this time with our class. One of the activities we'll be doing throughout the time of the Iditarod is tracking a musher as s/he makes his/her way to Nome. Today we picked our mushers.
Claire-Melissa Owens
Annie-Nancy Yoshida
Logan-Gerry Willomitzer
Mia-Aliy Zirkle
Jake-Jake Berkowitz
Perla-Rachael Scdoris
Cole-Allen Moore
Aidin-Rick Swenson
Miguel-Michael Suprenant
Yareski-Wade Marrs
Ali-Karin Hendrickson
Ramiro-Aaron Peck
Leidy-Jessie Royer
Jorge-Cim Smyth
Aoner-Ryan Redington
Stephanie-Jen Seavey
Jose-Tom Thurston
Aelen-DeeDee Jonrowe
Mrs. Tullis-Lance Mackey

The following photos were taken from past Iditarod races: