Specialist Schedules

March 27, 2013

Weeks in Review

Well this post in long overdue...my apologies.

A few weeks ago, we had a guest speaker come to our school.  His name is Fernando and operates Luna Lobos Dog Sledding in the Park City area.  This is the 2nd year he has come to McPolin to talk about sled dogs with our students.  The kids are always excited to see the dogs!  If you ever have family or friends visiting from out of town and you need something to do, please remember Luna Lobos.  They take groups out on dog sled rides---what a way to witness our beautiful area.  For more information, please visit their website:  http://lunalobos.com/.

We read a story called Penguin Chick and discussed the main idea and details of the story.  Our final draft was to write a main idea and details paragraph in our cute little penguins.

We have also been talking about adjectives and how adjectives make our writing "come alive" with more details.  For this activity, students came up with 6 adjectives about themselves.

In math, we have been working on symmetry.  We have done a few symmetry projects.  For one of the projects, students had to draw the other half of their faces.  I will post more photos soon.  

For Economics, we talked about producing and consuming.  To help understand this concept, we worked in groups of 5, in an assembly line, to make a notebook (producers).  Then, we used the notebooks (consumers).  

I have the best students!  On Friday, they found out it was my birthday.  For 15 minutes, the class (secretly, in their mind) scrambled together to make me a card.  So cute!