Specialist Schedules

September 9, 2012

Week in Review

I started introducing centers this week.  Centers are what the students will work on while I work with my small reading groups.

One of the centers is using wikistix (or bendaroos) to spell words from the word wall.

I also introduced some math games that will help students fluently add and subtract within 20.  (That is the math standard we are working on right now.)

One of the games is called Addition Top-It.

Another game is called Beat the Calculator.  

The Living Planet Aquarium came to our school last Thursday.  They brought animals that live in rain forests.  This was a free presentation that introduced the kids to animals' habitats (which we will talk about at a later time).

White's tree frog

hissing cockroach

giant millipede

Halloween moon crab

Our vocabulary strategy for the week was ABC order.  Table groups worked together to put words into ABC order.

We have a school store at McPolin!  Students can use their Moose Moola to purchase items (or coupons) from the store once a month.  This past Friday was their first time at the store.  You don't have to spend the Moose Moola.  Some students chose to save it for next time.

Here is Mrs. Roussos (school counselor) explaining the coupons.

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