Specialist Schedules

August 28, 2010


We have a school-wide behavior system known as R.O.C.K. R=Respect, O=Organization, C=Cooperation, K=Kindness. If our entire class is caught showing "rockin'" behavior, we receive a golden "You R.O.C.K." ticket. The primary class and intermediate class with the most golden "You R.O.C.K." tickets at the end of the month will receive ice cream sandwiches. White "You R.O.C.K." tickets are handed out to individual students for exhibiting "rockin'" behavior. Students put their tickets in a basket in our room and I draw 1 ticket per day. That person gets to choose something out of the treasure box.

To follow the R.O.C.K. system, our class rules are built around the same principle. R=Respect (Treat others how you want to be treated.) O=Organization (Raise your hand to talk.) C=Cooperation (Listen to each other.) K=Kindness (No put-downs.)

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